Road Dog V2

PlayStation Portable Homebrew - Road Dog V2 by Art - Image 1 PlayStation Portable homebrew developer Art has released the update for his project Road Dog. It’s now on V2 and it sports a number of changes and tweaks Check out the changelog and more info about the PSP homebrew application after the jump!

Download: Road Dog V2
Visit: QJ.Net’s PSP Development Forums

PlayStation Portable Homebrew - Road Dog V2 by Art - Image 1A couple of days back, we saw Art’s video showcasing Road Dog V2, and today, the PlayStation Portable homebrew developer released the said version of Road Dog. The spiffy new version sports a number of additions and bug fixes.

Road Dog is a PSP homebrew application that scans for WiFi hotspots and well, tells you that there’s a WiFi hotspot around. Anyway, Art provided a changelog on his release thread on the QJ.NET PSP Development Forums:

V2 (22/12/07):

  • Large size graph is set by default since six connections still fit on the screen.
  • Made a correction so that all the PSP’s LEDs function normaly once the program is exit.
  • Added implementation of registry tools ported by Skylark to update a PSP network profile ready for browser.
  • Added failing to read properly before pasting into news articles, etc.
  • Added a small animated graphic indicator for when there has been no activity for a few minutes.

The homebrew dev also listed the possible network config errors and you can find them on the forum release thread. Check out the application by clicking the download link below. Oh, and don’t forget to go over the readme file before anything else.

Download: Road Dog V2
Visit: QJ.Net’s PSP Development Forums

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