Rock Paper Scissors v0.2 – Wii homebrew redux’ed
Remember Kazart’s Rock Paper Scissors for the Nintendo Wii? Well, this isn’t its update, but this homebrew game is pretty much all that in concept and design. However, coder Forgotten Linkz redux of the familiar hand game allows for 2 player versus modes as well as vibration feedback. There are even visuals to boot. Get more info on Rock Paper Scissors version 0.2 at the full story.
Download: Rock Paper Scissors v0.2
Though not released by homebrew developer Kazart, Rock Paper Scissors version 0.2 reflects much of the same concepts and ideas that the first ever hand game port introduced to Nintendo Wii homebrew users. But author Forgotten Linkz updated this specific release with visual content and rumble support – just a few delectable additions that would make your Rock Paper Scissors game all the more enjoyable.
Also, coder Forgotten Linkz added two-player multiplayer to Rock Paper Scissors v0.2. A second player will be allowed to pick up another Wii remote and challenge the first player. Just press the appropriate button on the D-pad at the right time, and watch landfalls of Rock Paper Scissor victories and losses result in an explosion of fun and laughter.
Now that’s not bad for a game that’s Forgotten Linkz’ first console project. We’ve tested the game using a loader, but we haven’t tried with the Homebrew Channel yet. Usage instructions are included in the bundled documentation.
Included in the archive offered below is the source code for Rock Paper Scissors v0.2, but remember that it’s under the GNU public license. Share and share alike.
Download: Rock Paper Scissors v0.2
Via WiiBrew