Rumor: EA asks what fans want from Rock Band 2

Rock Band Harmonix - Image 1It’s probably quite a while before Harmonix releases the sequel to the phenomenal Rock Band (Xbox 360, Playstation 3), but Electronic Arts is rumored to be currently testing the waters of public opinion, by sending out surveys asking questions related to Rock Band 2. What are those questions about? You’ll have to hit the full article to read more.

Rock Band Harmonix MTV Games - Image 1

Gaming website Joystiq got wind of a tasty tidbit that may interest fans of rhythm and music games, one that talks about EA doing research on Rock Band 2 via survey. What’s being asked about in the reported poll?

According to their unnamed tipsters, the questions in the survey ask about people’s willingness to buy a Rock Band 2 Special Edition package (with all instruments bundled in).

Other questions touch on topics such as expansion packs and how many packs would a respondent be willing to buy within the next six months. One of the most interesting questions in the survey, however, asks about a player’s likelihood of getting Rock Band 2 instead of the multi-instrument version of Guitar Hero.

Will you indeed get the next Rock Band (Xbox 360, Playstation 3) even if Guitar Hero spawns a sequel that features multi-instrument play?

That depends on you, but let the following rumored details influence your decision: online play, option to record music videos, and the ability to hire staff to take care of the stuff that doesn’t involve much rocking out.

Heck, the rumors even go so far as even include things such as a drum trainer mode, and Battle of the Bands in the World Tour mode. There’s also online play, regularly scheduled battles, and being able to set challenges that will enable you to become the world’s best Rock Band. Evar.

Now that we’re talking about the sequel to what could be one of the greatest rocking games ever made, we’re going to ask you: what do you want to be implemented in the next Rock Band?

Let’s start with the little things: how about backward compatibility with Rock Band controllers? It’s probably a given, but we’d like to make sure. Having to shell out additional bucks when you already have a stash of similar gear is…yes, a pain indeed.

Another request that gamers raised, is for the Rock Band DLC to be playable in the sequel. It somewhat makes sense: it is indeed such a shame if people invested in a lot of content, which wouldn’t carry over to the next generation of Rock Band.  And there’s a LOT of downloadable content, right there.

But you, what do YOU want in the upcoming game? Do enlighten us and hit the comments section.

Via Joystiq

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