Rumor: in-game PS3 XMB release before end of January? *Update*

Rumor: in-game XMB release before end of January? - Image 1For those of you who own a PS3, being able to access the XMB in-game is definitely something good. Apparently, there’s a rumor that the release of the in-game XMB might be before the end of this month.

A picture was even added to serve as a proof. But people are doubtful on this. Head on over to the full article to know more.

*Update* Rumor debunked. Images fake, no FW updates this January.

* Article originally posted Jan 15, 2008 at 02:01AM

Rumor: in-game XMB release before end of January? - Image 1Here’s another rumor that you guys could probably wonder about: the release of the in-game PS3 XMB might be earlier than expected.

it would be remembered that even though Sony has announced that it will be officially releasing the in-game XMB this year, it didn’t specify exactly when it will be out.

Now, what we were able to get our hands on were two things: the information that the in-game XMB will be out even before January ends and a screenshot that accompanied it.

If you take a closer look at the photo on the upper right, that’s actually a screenshot of what appears to be an actual in-game XMB. But even with the picture, people have been releasing their doubtful thoughts as to its authenticity.

People commented that they weren’t able to find fine details with regard to the picture. Some even said that Photoshop was used to edit it and make it look like an in-game XMB.

So far, that’s the only thing we can tell. A rumor after all is still a rumor until proven otherwise. But who knows? We’ll be keeping you posted with updates as they happen. Meanwhile, maybe you can help us decide if the photo above is legit or not by telling us your thoughts via the comment section below.

Thanks eclipze, Paul H, and Someone_PR for the tip!

* Article originally posted Jan 15, 2008 at 02:01AM

*Update* Rumor debunked. Sony’s just confirmed with CVG that the image of the in-game XMB is fake. Told to CVG: “The XMB images are fake. There are no firmware updates planned for January.”

Thanks to commenters A_FF_Fan, Santhiel, and the rest for giving us a heads up!

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