Rumor: Nintendo and Apple to collaborate on games for the iPhone?

Nintendo and Apple FUSION! - Image 1 

It’s time once again for rumors and more rumors, with today’s special being Nintendo and Apple going hand in hand in developing games for the latter’s current technological marvel, the touch-sensitive iPhone. We give you the skinny on what’s the latest word on the street with these two legendary companies.

Working with Apple, Ninty will allegedly be licensing a limited amount of new content for the iPhone, with the exclusive games put up for sale at the iTunes store for US$ 29.00 a pop. No info yet if there are going to be iPod versions of the games themselves, nor what kind of control system they’ll be using. But with the iPhone’s clear lack of any actual buttons, it’s probable that the controls themselves are going to be touch-based, not unlike Nintendo’s currently-dominating handheld, the Nintendo DS.

What could be the reason for this sudden collaboration, then? It’s not exactly rocket surgery if you think about it. The handheld market had always been Nintendo’s forte, and one of its strongest competitors is in fact cellphone gaming. With this team-up, Ninty will be able to tap into that market and expand its ever-growing audience even further.

Nicely played, Nintendo and Apple – here’s hoping you actually come up with something good for us to play on the daily commute, that is, if the rumor is in fact true.

Nintendo and Apple FUSION! - Image 1 

It’s time once again for rumors and more rumors, with today’s special being Nintendo and Apple going hand in hand in developing games for the latter’s current technological marvel, the touch-sensitive iPhone. We give you the skinny on what’s the latest word on the street with these two legendary companies.

Working with Apple, Ninty will allegedly be licensing a limited amount of new content for the iPhone, with the exclusive games put up for sale at the iTunes store for US$ 29.00 a pop. No info yet if there are going to be iPod versions of the games themselves, nor what kind of control system they’ll be using. But with the iPhone’s clear lack of any actual buttons, it’s probable that the controls themselves are going to be touch-based, not unlike Nintendo’s currently-dominating handheld, the Nintendo DS.

What could be the reason for this sudden collaboration, then? It’s not exactly rocket surgery if you think about it. The handheld market had always been Nintendo’s forte, and one of its strongest competitors is in fact cellphone gaming. With this team-up, Ninty will be able to tap into that market and expand its ever-growing audience even further.

Nicely played, Nintendo and Apple – here’s hoping you actually come up with something good for us to play on the daily commute, that is, if the rumor is in fact true.

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