RUMOR: Nintendo shipping USB internet adapters?

The Big N - Image 1Remember Nintendo’s announcement back in October regarding their Ethernet adapter for the Wii? For the guys with no WiFi capabilities, we bring a hot update that should put a smile on your face. As it turns out, it has just been reported that Taiwan-based Axis Electronics is now shipping the fabled Wii Ethernet adapters, and that they may be hitting stores in the U.S. soon.

We’re not too clear if this release is a first or third-party release, though we’re expect Nintendo to come up with a statement regarding this much-awaited console accessory. Or, if you don’t fancy waiting, you might want to try out the other alternatives such as the DS WiFi connector that works perfectly well with the Wii.


The Big N - Image 1Remember Nintendo’s announcement back in October regarding their Ethernet adapter for the Wii? For the guys with no WiFi capabilities, we bring a hot update that should put a smile on your face. As it turns out, it has just been reported that Taiwan-based Axis Electronics is now shipping the fabled Wii Ethernet adapters, and that they may be hitting stores in the U.S. soon.

We’re not too clear if this release is a first or third-party release, though we’re expect Nintendo to come up with a statement regarding this much-awaited console accessory. Or, if you don’t fancy waiting, you might want to try out the other alternatives such as the DS WiFi connector that works perfectly well with the Wii.


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