Rumor police: PSP Phone appears on Stuff Magazine
We found this new video over at YouTube claiming that UK publication Stuff Magazine has finally revealed the elusive PlayStation Portable Phone, a long-rumored collaboration between Sony‘s PlayStation department and Sony Ericsson.
The owner of the video mentioned that he was unable to read the contents of the article so what he did was just took a quick and short clip of the page. The video and a few reminders after the jump!
We found this new video over at YouTube claiming that UK publication Stuff Magazine has finally revealed the elusive PlayStation Portable Phone, a long-rumored collaboration between Sony‘s PlayStation department and Sony Ericsson.
The owner of the video mentioned that he was unable to read the contents of the article so what he did was just took a quick and short clip of the page. It looks legit alright but one has to consider the AIBO news we ran a few days ago.
According to their article about the robot dog, there’s a probability that Sony is resurrecting AIBO as Sony AIBO PS and is making it compatible with the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable. The staff of the publication said it has a 50% probability of becoming true.
Now, this PSP Phone is similar to that AIBO bit – speculations and probabilities and not actual confirmation. But with all these rumors coming from Stuff Magazine, one can never really tell if it knows something we all don’t.