Rumor: potential details revealed for upcoming Pokemon game
Last April, we mentioned a rumor relating to the possibility of a new Pokemon game coming out this year. We did some hunting and found some potentially revealing information relating to this rumor. Learn what we found after the jump!
Last April, we mentioned a rumor relating to the possibility of a new Pokemon game coming out this year. We did some hunting and found out that had some additional information relating to this rumor.
The rumored information this time refers to actual details that might make their way into the announcement coming in CoroCoro magazine on May 15. Here’s what had to offer:
- Pokemon Platinum, set for September release. Giratina on the box
- Volkner no longer gym leader of Sunyshore City
- The Underground is now Wi-Fi enabled
- An island called Battle Island, works in the same manner as the Battle Frontier
- Several new Pokemon ‘forms’ exist in the game; Giratina’s Origin Form, Regigigas’ Sky Form, Shaymin’s Another Form
- Edit @ 13:56 BST: Thanks to slowkingsley on the forums, we have some further info regarding these translated. Giratina & Regigigas’ new forms are said to be able to get the Levitate ability and Shaymin’s Another form may be at least part Ice Type
Do note that this is all speculative, and the original source, a blog called “blue skY,” got some information right and some information wrong. That being said, Pokemaniacs will definitely learn more once May 15 rolls around.