Rumor squished: No PlayStation 3 price cut today
In case you were primping yourself up for a trip to your nearest EB Games or GameStop store to buy yourself a cheap PS3, you should know that the rumored price cut has proven false. There is no price cut today. Our source kaizer_911 also informs us that the rumor of a price cut was just BS in the first place.
In case you were primping yourself up for a trip to your nearest EB Games or GameStop store to buy yourself a cheap PS3, you should know that the rumored price cut has proven false.
There is no price cut today, as previous rumors suggested. Our source kaizer_911 (thanks man) also informs us that the rumor was BS in the first place.
No price cut has been communicated to EB Games or GameStop management as far as he’s concerned (and he should know, he’s been spot on with these things before). Not that it means Sony won’t introduce a price cut, it’s just that it it won’t happen in the immediate future as they haven’t received any info from Sony yet.
Sorry to have burst any bubbles, but there’s still GDC, which starts tomorrow. Sony might have a couple of surprises in store for us.