Runescape AutoMiners Ineffective

Runescape LogoRunescape Autominer is a macro that you can add run it while playing the game. It will automatically collect not only a large amount of gold but the macro can also be used to train, fish, soften clay, cut wood, collect bones and smelting minerals. Basically, Autominer works when it records the clicks that are targeted on the right place to start the automatic gathering of those things.

The developers came up with a way to render this autominer useless. They thought of a security measure that tracks massive clicks occurring within a player. When the software detects that, it will move the camera a bit around a few pixels away from the original point. So this small movement, will render the Autominer useless because of the clicks are now occurring in a different position.
Runescape LogoRunescape Autominer is a macro that you can add run it while playing the game. It will automatically collect not only a large amount of gold but the macro can also be used to train, fish, soften clay, cut wood, collect bones and smelting minerals. Basically, Autominer works when it records the clicks that are targeted on the right place to start the automatic gathering of those things.

The developers came up with a way to render this autominer useless. They thought of a security measure that tracks massive clicks occurring within a player. When the software detects that, it will move the camera a bit around a few pixels away from the original point. So this small movement, will render the Autominer useless because of the clicks are now occurring in a different position.

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