SCEA’s Tretton: Microsoft and Nintendo are too dependent
Consoles are nothing without video games. That’s why the big three (Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony) are so hell bent on coming up with excellent titles, not to mention exclusives.
Especially nowadays, we are all too familiar with some publishers and developers trying to make a title as multiplatform as possible regardless if they sacrifice gameplay and other vital features.
Now, if you manage to get the latest copy of the PlayStation Magazine (PSM), you will find there an interesting piece about SCEA President Jack Tretton and his views regarding the matter. A part of his statements reads,
Microsoft is too dependent on the third-party community, and Nintendo is too dependent on first-party. We like to feel that we got a pretty good mix.
We have to say, those are pretty strong words coming from the head of Sony Computer Entertainment himself. However, that is not all. Tretton continued,
We have a very different approach to exclusives than some of our competitors. We don’t buy exclusivity. We don’t fund development. We don’t, for lack of a better term, bribe somebody to only do a game on our platform. We earn it.
On a related matter, PS3 fans have a lot to look forward to in terms of titles and in-game content in the very near future. Just today, we already had two stories about PlayStation 3 exclusives: one concerning a classic mecha OVA and another one coming from development studio Quantic Dream.
Via GamesRadar
Consoles are nothing without video games. That’s why the big three (Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony) are so hell bent on coming up with excellent titles, not to mention exclusives.
Especially nowadays, we are all too familiar with some publishers and developers trying to make a title as multiplatform as possible regardless if they sacrifice gameplay and other vital features.
Now, if you manage to get the latest copy of the PlayStation Magazine (PSM), you will find there an interesting piece about SCEA President Jack Tretton and his views regarding the matter. A part of his statements reads,
Microsoft is too dependent on the third-party community, and Nintendo is too dependent on first-party. We like to feel that we got a pretty good mix.
We have to say, those are pretty strong words coming from the head of Sony Computer Entertainment himself. However, that is not all. Tretton continued,
We have a very different approach to exclusives than some of our competitors. We don’t buy exclusivity. We don’t fund development. We don’t, for lack of a better term, bribe somebody to only do a game on our platform. We earn it.
On a related matter, PS3 fans have a lot to look forward to in terms of titles and in-game content in the very near future. Just today, we already had two stories about PlayStation 3 exclusives: one concerning a classic mecha OVA and another one coming from development studio Quantic Dream.
Via GamesRadar