SCEE: Killzone 2 public beta later this year, journalist invites sent
Those of you who have been waiting patiently (and maybe not so patiently) for Killzone 2, you’ll be glad to know that the public beta will take place “later this year.” Not a lot of details on the beta as of yet, but I bet a lot of you were waiting to hear on any form of confirmation that the beta’s still on.
Last we heard of the Killzone 2 beta was way back in March so a lot of you were probably wondering if it’s still on. The good news is, yes it’s still on. Sony Europe has announced that the public beta will take place “later this year.” They’ve even already sent out journalist invites.
The bad news is, no further details have been released yet. Not a specific date, not a method of entry, not if it’s a limited beta, and not if it’s open to all regions. So yeah, very skimpy on the details. All we know is that it’ll take place later this year.
And that’s just one more beta to add to your to-play list isn’t it, what with games like LittleBigPlanet releasing their own soon. We’ll let you know as soon as we know more details about the beta.
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Via videogaming247