Scoop ! PSOne Emulator for PSP Screenshots !
>> can you please watermark the images ? <<
>> i just re-installed windows and havent installed any image-editing software yet <<
>> thanks in advance <<
Al has just mailed us with these pics which he says, are of the PSOne Emulator for the PSP, which will be bundled in the upcoming firmware update.

We can’t say for sure if this is true, but there seems to be no editing in the images.
>> can you please watermark the images ? <<
>> i just re-installed windows and havent installed any image-editing software yet <<
>> thanks in advance <<
Al has just mailed us with these pics which he says, are of the PSOne Emulator for the PSP, which will be bundled in the upcoming firmware update.

We can’t say for sure if this is true, but there seems to be no editing in the images.