Screenshot Plugin v1.2 – take screenshots and GIF videos
What do you do when you can’t find the kind of plugin that you want or need? Why, you can try making one of your own. That’s exactly what Kratosjohn did for the Sony PSP. The homebrew developer came up with an application entitled Screenshot Plugin v1.2. It’s purpose: to allow you to take screenshots and GIF videos with ease. More on this program after the jump.
Download: Screenshot Plugin v1.2
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forum
In this day and age, it’s convenient to have various plugins to help you with the functions of your Sony PSP. Homebrew developer Kratosjohn has come up with one for those of you who are into taking screenshots and GIF videos: Screenshot Plugin v1.2 for custom firmwares 3.90 and 3.93.
Kratosjohn has noted that “there’s a manual install for the people with other plugins already enabled, and then there’s a installer for people with no plugins enabled.” To manually install Screenshot Plugin v1.2, just follow Kratosjohn’s instructions below:
- Put the included seplugins folder on the root of your memory card.
- Enable the plugins and start taking screenshots and Gif videos.
- To use, simply press the music note button to take a screenshot. Press the music note button and the R-Trigger at the same time to take a Gif video. To stop video taking, press the music note button.
- When in the GIF Player, press L-Trigger to change skins and press X to play GIF. Navigate with the D-Pad.
- You can use different skins. Just name them skinX.png, where X is the number.(for example, skin3.png). Put them skins in the skins folder of GIFplayer and you can make you own skins.
Should you opt to use the auto-installer instead, heed Kratosjohn’s warning first: “If you use the installer, it will re-write any plugins you already have and you will have to enable them manually, so if you know what you are doing, install this plugin manually.”
The homebrew developer has also mentioned that those who are familiar with SVC Player will understand how to use Screenshot Plugin v1.2. One difference, though, is that SVC Player only ran on 1.50 kernel, whie this plugin and application runs on 3.XX kernel so the latter can be used in future Sony PSP firmwares.
Download: Screenshot Plugin v1.2
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forum