SD Gundam Revolution becomes SD Gundam Squad Hammers
Those looking forward to getting their copies of SD Gundam G Breaker for the Wii are probably aware that the game is known by various names: Superior Defender Gundam G Breaker, Mobile Suit Gundam, and SD Gundam Revolution. However, we got hold of news from the Bandai-Namco website that the game will be renamed SD Gundam Squad Hammers, dropping off the “Revolution” in its Japanese name. Bandai-Namco hasn’t updated the game’s official website yet, but it is expected to happen soon.
Most Wii games take advantage of the Wiimote to get a real feel of the action. SD Gundam G Breaker SD Gundam Squad Hammers follows the same trend except that it’s quite easier to learn how to manipulate the mech‘s abilities using the Wiimote and the nunchuck, as previous demos have shown. Gundam uses both controllers and requires you to move the control stick in order to run around. To switch between the giant mace and a gun and blade, you press the C button. To use the mace, you swing around the remote control, or to give you extra length with the weapon, just hold the B button. If none of your weaponry is helping, you can just shake the nunchuck and your Gundam will charge your opponents. The Z button lets you jump, or guard using the A button. There are other Wiimote functions, of course, but more details about this will come as the Wii nears its launch. We’ll all stay tuned for more updates.
Via Bandai Namco
Those looking forward to getting their copies of SD Gundam G Breaker for the Wii are probably aware that the game is known by various names: Superior Defender Gundam G Breaker, Mobile Suit Gundam, and SD Gundam Revolution. However, we got hold of news from the Bandai-Namco website that the game will be renamed SD Gundam Squad Hammers, dropping off the “Revolution” in its Japanese name. Bandai-Namco hasn’t updated the game’s official website yet, but it is expected to happen soon.
Most Wii games take advantage of the Wiimote to get a real feel of the action. SD Gundam G Breaker SD Gundam Squad Hammers follows the same trend except that it’s quite easier to learn how to manipulate the mech‘s abilities using the Wiimote and the nunchuck, as previous demos have shown. Gundam uses both controllers and requires you to move the control stick in order to run around. To switch between the giant mace and a gun and blade, you press the C button. To use the mace, you swing around the remote control, or to give you extra length with the weapon, just hold the B button. If none of your weaponry is helping, you can just shake the nunchuck and your Gundam will charge your opponents. The Z button lets you jump, or guard using the A button. There are other Wiimote functions, of course, but more details about this will come as the Wii nears its launch. We’ll all stay tuned for more updates.
Via Bandai Namco