Second Life now home to more than 1 Million residents

Second Life

In the virtual world of MMORPG, having over a million, paying subscribers isn’t that big of a deal to most. Come on, World of Warcraft alone is home to seven million active subscriptions, right? But still, reaching the million mark in the virtual world is no easy feat, anybody with the needed skills could create an MMO and advertise it for free, it could be a flop it could be a hit – being a hit is easy, staying as one, now that’s tough.

That’s why Linden Lab is very gleeful nowadays as their MMO Second Life just reach the over one million mark. Yes, 1,097,243 active subscriptions isn’t close to the seven million mark posted by WoW, but the number is growing thanks to words of mouth and advertising, we won’t be surprised if it continues to grow in the coming months.

The road towards that number isn’t laden with roses; Linden Lab had their share of problems, first they had to come to terms with the fact that the IRS is looking for ways to tax residents. Then they had to deal with various security breaches that exposed subscribers’ personal information and credit card digits. We could only hope that they use their fame towards instigating change for the better by engaging in more fund raisings that would benefit those who have less in life, as a way of giving back to society.

Second Life

In the virtual world of MMORPG, having over a million, paying subscribers isn’t that big of a deal to most. Come on, World of Warcraft alone is home to seven million active subscriptions, right? But still, reaching the million mark in the virtual world is no easy feat, anybody with the needed skills could create an MMO and advertise it for free, it could be a flop it could be a hit – being a hit is easy, staying as one, now that’s tough.

That’s why Linden Lab is very gleeful nowadays as their MMO Second Life just reach the over one million mark. Yes, 1,097,243 active subscriptions isn’t close to the seven million mark posted by WoW, but the number is growing thanks to words of mouth and advertising, we won’t be surprised if it continues to grow in the coming months.

The road towards that number isn’t laden with roses; Linden Lab had their share of problems, first they had to come to terms with the fact that the IRS is looking for ways to tax residents. Then they had to deal with various security breaches that exposed subscribers’ personal information and credit card digits. We could only hope that they use their fame towards instigating change for the better by engaging in more fund raisings that would benefit those who have less in life, as a way of giving back to society.

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