Sendelf v4: graphical TCP client Wiibrew program

Wii Homebrew Program - news, updates, downloads - Image 1Here’s a quick and easy way to send files from your PC straight to your Wii. Sendelf is a new Wii homebrew program from henke37 that sends files over TCP from Windows computers to the Wii. More details in the full article.

Download: Sendelf v4

Wii Homebrew Program - news, updates, downloads - Image 1 

Wiibrew developer henke37 has released Sendelf, a no-fuss no-muss Wiibrew program to send files from your PC straight to your Wii. Though similar to FTPii, this program is much more compact and uses TCP. Although it can only send files one-way (from the PC to the Wii), it’s a quick and easy program if you just want to transfer ELF and DOL files.

The download archive contains the installer program for the PC. As a receiving program on the Wii, all you’ll need is the standalone server by Svpe, or the Homebrew Channel. Here are the instructions and feature list as provided by henke37:

Usage Instructions:

  1. Start the server on the Wii, that is start either the standalone server or the Homebrew channel
  2. Unzip and run
  3. Select file to send
  4. Enter the IP address of the Wii
  5. Make sure that the correct protocol is selected
  6. Change the port if needed (most likely from using the client for the other protocol previously)
    • The standalone server uses port 8080
    • The Homebrew Channel uses port 4299
  7. Enter any arguments if needed
  8. Hit the send button, or just double click on an elf or dol file, it will be sent directly to the last used IP address. No, it does not crash if you hasn’t set the IP address yet.

Full Feature List:

  • Works with both the standalone server and the Homebrew channel
  • Works with both elf and DOL files
  • Saves the used settings in the Windows registry so that you don’t need to change them at each start
  • Is extremely tiny, partly thanks to the release being UPX packed, but also from directly using the Win32 API
  • Supports drag and drop of files onto the main window.
  • Does basic sanity checks to prevent the most obvious user errors like forgetting to select a file.

Download: Sendelf v4

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