Sensible World of Soccer slated for December 19 release
After some delay, it seems Sensible World of Soccer is finally heading out to virtual soccer fields everywhere. Codemasters Online and Microsoft recently announced that Sensible World of Soccer will be hitting the Xbox Live Arcade on December 19.
Some of SWOS’ features, after the jump!
After some delay, it seems Sensible World of Soccer is finally heading out to virtual soccer fields everywhere. Codemasters Online and Microsoft recently announced that Sensible World of Soccer will be hitting the Xbox Live Arcade on December 19.
This new version of Sensible World of Soccer will have some all-new online multiplayer modes, which will allow players worldwide to take on other soccer-inclined gamers in a battle to be the best. The game also has original & updated custom graphics modes from the original designer of SWOS, so gamers can play the game in HD.
Said Tim Hodges, Assistant Product Manager for SWOS,
We are extremely pleased to announce that SWOS is coming to Xbox LIVE Arcade before Christmas. Players are going to have a great holiday playing one of the best known and loved retro classics of all time. The wait has definitely been worthwhile, the online play is a blast and the game looks amazing and we are confident that players both new and old will feel the same way.