Shenmue 2 coming to Xbox Live?

ryo-thumbYesterday we had a report saying Jet Set Radio was headed for Xbox live. Now we’re hearing rumors that Shenmue 2 is going to be released on the Xbox 360’s online service as well.






Yesterday we had a report saying Jet Set Radio was headed for Xbox live. Now we’re hearing rumors that Shenmue 2 is going to be released on the Xbox 360’s online service as well.


The image above shows “Project Berkley II” and not Shenmue 2, but fans of the series should recognize “Project Berkley” as the developmental code name of the first Shenmue. Another image shows series protagonist Ryo’s disembodied head being used as the game’s icon.


This rumor comes again from ImageShack user Xbox360Leaker, who was also the source of the allegedly leaked Jet Set Radio shot.




Via [Eurogamer]

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