Silent Hill Origins Screens

Alright, we know you folks have all been waiting for the Silent Hill Origins to arrive on your PSPs. And since we here at QJ can’t deliver the actual game to you ourselves, we’ll give you the next best thing instead…preview screenshots!

The game still complies with the basic theme: Travis Grady, a truck driver, is stranded in Silent Hill during a routine delivery trip. However, as you guys guessed it, things don’t always go according to plan. He goes on a trip to the otherworld and back, and along the way, he gets to uncover the truth about the small sleepy town and escape from his haunting hallucinations. But enough about that, we trust you guys already know about the game’s plot so here they are…screens from Silent Hill Origins on PSP:




And who says only Haley Joel Osment can see dead people, huh?

Via Playstation

Alright, we know you folks have all been waiting for the Silent Hill Origins to arrive on your PSPs. And since we here at QJ can’t deliver the actual game to you ourselves, we’ll give you the next best thing instead…preview screenshots!

The game still complies with the basic theme: Travis Grady, a truck driver, is stranded in Silent Hill during a routine delivery trip. However, as you guys guessed it, things don’t always go according to plan. He goes on a trip to the otherworld and back, and along the way, he gets to uncover the truth about the small sleepy town and escape from his haunting hallucinations. But enough about that, we trust you guys already know about the game’s plot so here they are…screens from Silent Hill Origins on PSP:




And who says only Haley Joel Osment can see dead people, huh?

Via Playstation

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