Simple Random Sentence Generator (SRSG) v0.2
A couple of days ago, PSP homebrew developer Psyberjock released an interesting application named Simple Random Sentence Generator, or SRSG. As its name implies, this application creates random sentences akin to poorly worded Engrish on Chinese and Japanese translations. We imagine several guys enjoyed its quirkiness, especially resident anime fan who’ll reminisce the last time they endured their bootleg DVD’s mangled subs for Naruto.
Fast forward to today, and Psyberjock has announced the release of version 0.2, which no longer needs Lua installed in the PSP to run, and hosts several other new tweaks:
- Ability to go back to the previously generated sentence. Useful if you accidentally skip a good one and want to save it.
- Ability to review your favorites file from inside the program. It will display one sentence at a time. Once the end of the file is reached, press the button again to start over at the top.
- Increased the number of patterns, words, and streamlined some patterns for better sentence generation.
- Added prompt to ask for an action when the program is first started.
That’s all for the moment. Enjoy the app, and make sure to thank Psyberjock for the effort. On a parting note, let us know if you guys get anything as whacked as “All your base are belong to us” when you try the app out – we’ll toast a (non-alcoholic) drink to you.
Download: SRSG v 0.2
Via DCEmu
A couple of days ago, PSP homebrew developer Psyberjock released an interesting application named Simple Random Sentence Generator, or SRSG. As its name implies, this application creates random sentences akin to poorly worded Engrish on Chinese and Japanese translations. We imagine several guys enjoyed its quirkiness, especially resident anime fan who’ll reminisce the last time they endured their bootleg DVD’s mangled subs for Naruto.
Fast forward to today, and Psyberjock has announced the release of version 0.2, which no longer needs Lua installed in the PSP to run, and hosts several other new tweaks:
- Ability to go back to the previously generated sentence. Useful if you accidentally skip a good one and want to save it.
- Ability to review your favorites file from inside the program. It will display one sentence at a time. Once the end of the file is reached, press the button again to start over at the top.
- Increased the number of patterns, words, and streamlined some patterns for better sentence generation.
- Added prompt to ask for an action when the program is first started.
That’s all for the moment. Enjoy the app, and make sure to thank Psyberjock for the effort. On a parting note, let us know if you guys get anything as whacked as “All your base are belong to us” when you try the app out – we’ll toast a (non-alcoholic) drink to you.
Download: SRSG v 0.2
Via DCEmu