Sins of a Solar Empire Beta Diaries Eight: experiences and expectations

Sins of a Solar Empire PC - Image 1It’s hard not to like Ironclad Games and Stardock‘s Sins of a Solar Empire. Considering this will be my last post for these beta diaries, I decided to talk about my personal experiences playing the game as well as what we hope to see when the full version is released.

So head on over to the full article to check out Sins of a Solar Empire Beta Diaries Eight: experiences and expectations.

Sins of a Solar Empire PC - Image 1

Over the course of the Sins of a Solar Empire Beta Diaries, we covered what this game has to offer. We’ve discussed various topics including its technical aspects, the game as a casual experience, and the various strategies with which to crush your foes.

Considering this will be my last post for these beta diaries, I decided to talk about my personal experiences playing Ironclad Games and Stardock‘s Sins of a Solar Empire with my fellow bloggers and what we now expect to see in the full version of the game.

Stardock's Sins of a Solar Empire PC - Image 1 Stardock's Sins of a Solar Empire PC - Image 2 

Most players who have tried the game already know that there are multiple ways of approaching the game. The fellow bloggers who were also assigned to this project were very interesting adversaries to say the least.

Charles tended to lean towards using (and abusing) the various exploits in the game. Sally on the other hand, showed all the inventiveness of a newcomer to the RTS scene by pulling off tricks that I wouldn’t have considered trying out.

Sometimes, Charles would be able to set up his LRM batteries of doom getting him a quick victory over both Sally and me. Other times, Sally would “pull a Sally” by surprising us with an unorthodox mix of units allowing her to secure a win. Then there would be those games when I’d be able to outmaneuver both of them and trade units at a ratio of two to one, needless to say there was much dancing (at least on my part) in the end-zone.

Considering the amount of fun we had playing, it might be safe to assume that the guys from Stardock and Ironclad Games are taking the game in the right direction. However, there are still a few things that we hope will be implemented to make this already good game even better.

Sins of a Solar Empire - Image 1While the game is pretty balanced in its early (well, not so early) stages, we couldn’t help but notice that there are still a few broken elements in the game like the economy of the Vasari.

It seems a little weak considering the prices of their ships and structures. We understand that the race is the token militaristic faction but being able to churn out one ship to the TEC’s three is a bit lopsided don’t you think?

Hopefully, the developers decide to spend some time tweaking Sins of a Solar Empire and polishing it up to avoid problems such as these in the full version of the game.

Another thing that we expect to see is better artificial intelligence. This means smarter ships and smarter computer opponents. At this point in the game’s development, Charles, Sally, and I agree that the ships still make rather questionable decisions and the computer is a bit too easy to beat.

We want to go up against the computer in a game and actually feel like the computer opponents are putting up more than a token defense. In addition, it would also be nice if the non-combat oriented ships were to try and avoid combat unless specifically directed to engage.

I know that the changes we’re asking for might be a bit hard to pull off at this point in the development cycle. However, I personally believe that, if these changes were made, it’d bring the game to stellar proportions.

Stardock's Sins of a Solar Empire PC - Image 1 Stardock's Sins of a Solar Empire PC - Image 2

It’s hard not to have very high expectations from Stardock and Ironclad Games Sins of a Solar Empire considering the quality of the Beta version. When all is said and done though this blogger hopes that the game lives up to the high-standards and expectations of the biggest critic in the market, the gaming community.

That said, there’s nothing left for me to do but wait for the release of this game on February 4. Be sure to check back here for the last Beta diary entry from Sally which should be coming up pretty soon.

*Originally posted Jan 26, 2008 at 02:28PM

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