Six more WoW mods
Heads up, guys! Today’s a WoW mod day (like any other day), and we sure got tons of mods to share with you. What’s today’s WoW mod serving? Let’s take a look:
First off, we got DragonScalePoints, made by varuul. This one’s filed under the “organizer mod” category, because well, that’s what it does. Basically, it organizes your RaidPoints. But of course, it offers a lot more than that. Go check the full list of features when you click “Full Article”.
Next stop, we have WoW AddOn Organizer v1.36, from Stahlfaust. As it name suggests, it’s another one of those “organizer mods”, and it’s rather nifty too, as it organizes all your WoW addons. Better get this one if you’re really OC.
PassLoot by Odlaww, automatically rolls greed, need and pass. Also, it enables you to manually roll on three separate categories of loot:bind on pickup (bop), bind on equip (boe), and the coins/bijous/etc (specific).
Another mod that you might want to check out is Emote Pack v0.75, by Silromen. Basically, it adds cartloads of emotes (some even have sounds), which can be done by extracting the zip file to your World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons directory. Moreover, Silromen’s open for suggestion, so feel free to contact this dev if you have zany ideas to add to this fun mod.
ChopLib by Chop (see the connection here?) is a function library for healing classes, while the last one’s ES_GuildCheck by Tunhadil. This one scans your guild at your first login, takes notes of guild changes, and lets you view who left or joined your guild since your last time online. Pretty helpful if you’re managing a guild of your own, don’t you think?
Download: [DragonScalePoints]
Download: [ChopLib]
Download: [PassLoot]
Download: [Emote Pack v0.75]
Download: [WoW AddOn Organizer v1.36]
Download: [ES_Guildcheck]
Clcik “Full Article” to view the full list of features!
Heads up, guys! Today’s a WoW mod day (like any other day), and we sure got tons of mods to share with you. What’s today’s WoW mod serving? Let’s take a look:
First off, we got DragonScalePoints v2.1, made by varuul. This one’s filed under the “organizer mod” category, because well, that’s what it does. Basically, it organizes your RaidPoints. But of course, it offers a lot more than that:
- v2.1 now uses the new messaging system for addons – no backward compatibility anymore…
- since v2.0 there is a completely new layout, making everything easier to see and handle!
- RaidPoints are always LIVE! InGame! No need to edit anything after the raid, or switch to windows or any such crap. Just do it with 1 or 2 clicks!
- Databases can be loaded and saved at any time.
- Each player in your database has a PointChangeHistory and a LootHistory.
- Handles Twinks/Alts
- You can dish out Points by Time, by dead mob (e.g. Ragnaros dies) or by Parameters (player’s location, online/offline, class, …). Of course the P/Time and P/Mob work on parameters as well!
- You can use DSP’s LootMastering, which will organize your Bidding sessions and automatically take Points away from the winning player.
- Each Player can always get his own points – without mod! However, they can install the client and have the raid’s complete status (if you allow them to).
- many advanced features and settings for ‘power-users’ …
- Automatic adding of all players in your guild or raid
- Database sorting
- you can have comments for every Player and use that to sort/give points/take points/select them…
- Automatic selection of Players matching certain parameters such as: Online/Offline, inRaid/outofRaid, Class, Location, Comment, MarkedInList
- you can invite, whisper, target players from your list by hitting the right mousebutton
- Optional announcing of Pointchanges in the Raid
- KeyBindings for showing the GUI
- KeyBindings for fast changing of PointValues
- CLIENT INCLUDED! Titan support, but independent of DSP and Titan (ignore 1 error – I’ll fix it asap!)
- Players have a variety of commands to query the Raidleader for Information by whisper:
- /w <raidleader> dspinfo :: to get information about your own points.
- /w <raidleader> dsplist :: to get up to 40 players listed (in the current sorting) from the complete DB.
- /w <raidleader> dspraid :: to get up to 40 players listed (in the current sorting) from the current Raid.
- /w <raidleader> dspclass <class> :: to get all information on all players with the <class>.
Next stop, we have WoW AddOn Organizer v1.36, from Stahlfaust. As it name suggests, it’s another one of those “organizer mods”, and it’s rather nifty too, as it organizes all your WoW addons. Better get this one if you’re really OC. And speaking of which, better check out the dev notes below. Now, you might recall that we’ve already featured version 1.35 before, so you’re probably asking what makes this version different. Well, check these brand-spanking features out:
- List all installed AddOns
- Show additional information like Version, Languages, …
- Activate AddOn (move from DisabledAddOns to AddOns Folder)
- Deactivate AddOns (move from AddOns to DisabledAddOns Folder)
- Delete AddOn
- Delete AddOn Settings File from SavedVariables Folder
- Edit the Interface Version String of AddOns
- Search for AddOn on ‘’ Link
- List additionally needed and optional AddOns
- Create Cosmos compatible ‘.nopatch’ Files
- Remove ‘.nopatch’ Files
- Added a Checkboxes Column to the AddOns List. (ID: #00000049)
- It is now possible to activate AND deactivate multiple AddOns at once. (ID: #00000051)
- It is now possible to create multiple NoPatch Files at once. (ID: #00000054)
- It is now possible to delete multiple AddOns at once. (ID: #00000050)
- It is now possible to delete the Setting File of multiple AddOns at once. (ID: #00000052)
- The Path of the selected AddOn will be displayed at the Window Bottom. (ID: #00000043)
- Replaced some of the Symbols to make them more ‘eyecandy’. (ID: #00000042)
- Updated the About Window and incl. an EULA. (ID: #00000044)
- Fixed a Bug that prevented the NoPatch File Detection for Disabled AddOns. (ID: #00000053)
- = Added, [-] = Fixed, [*] = Changed/Removed, [i] = Information, [!] = Note
- The Changelog may be not 100% complete because very little minor fixes and cosmetic changes may not be always included.
- Windows still captures Programm crashes when the Windows Error Reporting Function is active. And because of this, the Function-Trace Protocol has no chance to be displayed.
PassLoot by Odlaww automatically rolls greed, need, and pass. Also, it enables you to manually roll on three separate categories of loot:bind on pickup (bop), bind on equip (boe), and the coins/bijous/etc (specific). The dev also has notes for you guys to check out, which are listed below:
- Usage:
- /passloot [specific | bop | boe] [disable | pass | greed | need]
- Notes:
- The default settings are:
- Specific: pass
- BoE: disabled
- BoP: disabled
- When rolling greed or need on BoP items, WoW will ask you if you are sure you want to roll since it will bind on pickup.
- At this time, settings are not saved, and they must be changed each time you start wow, or reload your console.
Another mod that you might want to check out is Emote Pack v0.75, by Silromen. Basically, it adds cartloads of emotes (some even have sounds), which can be done by extracting the zip file to your World of Warcraft/Interface/Addons directory. Moreover, Silromen’s open for suggestion, so feel free to contact this dev if you have zany ideas to add to this fun mod. The following are the current emotes you can use:
Current Emote List:
alien alliance aloof baa blood bop boyfriend brooding bugout cake cakeordeath cheese chirp chomp cold complain cook cookie cute danish ecstatic elf faction faint finger fish flee fondle foot frenchkiss frisk girlfriend glee glomp gnome goblin harrypotter hear heman horde hot jiggle joke jump kinky kupo kweh lag leeroy look loser mario massage moogle ninjaloot pandaren pervert pet pocket pokemon probe prod pull quack raar rawr rub runaway scream sheep sidekick smashbros snake snarf sneeze sniffle snore snort squawk squirm spaz stress stuffed sweat swoon tauren thundercats thundera trivial undead vomit wark weld wield wiggle wrench zelda
ChopLib by Chop (see the connection here?) is a function library for healing classes. Here are some setting that you might want to check out:
- Patchwerk Mod Settings
- /cl pw – Toggle mod on or off
- /cl pw [arg] [value] – set Patchwerk mod settings
- reset = Manually reset mod
- autoenable = Autoenable mod on engage
- hsinfo [chan] = Show Hateful Strike info to channel
The last one’s ES_GuildCheck by Tunhadil. This one scans your guild at your first login, takes notes of guild changes, and lets you view who left or joined your guild since your last time online. Pretty helpful if you’re managing a guild of your own, don’t you think? Anyway, here are its other features:
- new mebers
- members that has left
- level changes
- rank changes
- note changes
- officer note changes (if you have the rights to read this note)
Download: [DragonScalePoints v2.1]
Download: [ChopLib]
Download: [PassLoot]
Download: [Emote Pack v0.75]
Download: [WoW AddOn Organizer v1.36]
Download: [ES_Guildcheck]
Via World of War