Six New Bullet Witch Screens
Set in the year 2013, Bullet Witch follows the tale of man’s last struggle on the verge of extinction from demons. Taking the role of a witch named Alicia, Bullet Witch will deliver an intense action adventure experience with plenty of gun fights and magic battles. The developers at Cavia promise to make full use of the 360’s visual capabilities for the character models, so you can expect to see some bizarre looking demons.
Via Worthplaying
Set in the year 2013, Bullet Witch follows the tale of man’s last struggle on the verge of extinction from demons. Taking the role of a witch named Alicia, Bullet Witch will deliver an intense action adventure experience with plenty of gun fights and magic battles. The developers at Cavia promise to make full use of the 360’s visual capabilities for the character models, so you can expect to see some bizarre looking demons.
Via Worthplaying