Smash Brothers Update: Deoxys’s Hyper Beam Attack

Deoxys - Image 1Another update that’s relevant to the Pokeball-savvy of us brawlers, and it’s about how you can summon another legendary Pokemon to help you out turn the tides of battle. Quake in the awesome tentacled fury of Deoxys, the DNA Pokemon in Super Smash Brothers Brawl!

Just like Groudon and Goldeen, summoning Deoxys is a simple as acquiring one of the red-and-white spheres of absolute destruction (that can pop up randomly at any stage) and throwing it. If you’re lucky, the rare Deoxys might just appear – and after a graceful display of aerial acrobatics, float up above the stage and blast your foes with its Hyper Beam attack. Simple, not too flashy, and hurts like…well, a Hyper Beam attack. Which is a lot.

Good to know that Nintendo‘s taking all the aspects of Brawl seriously – while playable characters are the key point of the game, the items you’ll be able to use in battle are also important. Updates as we get them, so keep it locked right here for more information about the upcoming beat-em-up on the Nintendo Wii, Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

Deoxys - Image 1Another update that’s relevant to the Pokeball-savvy of us brawlers, and it’s about how you can summon another legendary Pokemon to help you out turn the tides of battle. Quake in the awesome tentacled fury of Deoxys, the DNA Pokemon in Super Smash Brothers Brawl!

Just like Groudon and Goldeen, summoning Deoxys is a simple as acquiring one of the red-and-white spheres of absolute destruction (that can pop up randomly at any stage) and throwing it. If you’re lucky, the rare Deoxys might just appear – and after a graceful display of aerial acrobatics, float up above the stage and blast your foes with its Hyper Beam attack. Simple, not too flashy, and hurts like…well, a Hyper Beam attack. Which is a lot.

Good to know that Nintendo‘s taking all the aspects of Brawl seriously – while playable characters are the key point of the game, the items you’ll be able to use in battle are also important. Updates as we get them, so keep it locked right here for more information about the upcoming beat-em-up on the Nintendo Wii, Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

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