SNES9X 1.43 WiiMote Edition 0.1.1a: SNES emulator for Wii with Wiimote support
Finally, Wiimote support! In another version of the SNES9X homebrew application, developer RobertFC has successfully created a Wiimote-supporting SNES emulator for the Nintendo Wii. More details about SNES9X 1.43 WiiMote Edition 0.1.1a after the jump.
Download: SNES9X 1.43 WiiMote Edition 0.1.1a
The Nintendo Wii has always been about the Wiimote. Thanks to homebrew developer RobertFC‘s SNES9X 1.43 WiiMote Edition 0.1.1a, you can now play your old-school SNES games through your Nintendo Wii – with Wiimote support.
SNES9X 1.43 WiiMote Edition 0.1.1a is another unofficial addition to Askot and dsbomb’s SNES9X v1.4.3 0.1.0 20080331. Past versions only used the Gamecube controller. Now, you can integrate the Wiimote’s motion-sensing capabilities to play past SNES titles.
Homebrew coder RobertFC is not done yet though. The dev has already planned to add support for classic controllers, multiple controllers, and remapping for future builds.
Since SNES9X is an open source project, the source code is still included with a well-documented list of changes. Be reminded that you have to be familiar with the Twilight Hack, the Geckoloader, and the Front SD Elf Loader to make this work.
Download: SNES9X 1.43 WiiMote Edition 0.1.1a