SOE picks Kynapse for DC Comics-based MMO for PC, PS3
In an ironic twist after the seeming demise of Microsoft Game Studios’ Marvel Universe Online project, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) has chosen Kynogon‘s Kynapse A.I. engine for an upcoming DC Comics-based MMORPG for the Sony Playstation 3 and the PC…
Why Kynapse? Find out after the jump!
In an ironic twist after the seeming demise of Microsoft Game Studios’ Marvel Universe Online project, Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) has chosen Kynogon‘s Kynapse A.I. engine for an upcoming DC Comics-based MMORPG for the Sony Playstation 3 and the PC.
John Blakely, vice-president of development at SOE’s studio in Austin Texas, acknowledged Kynogon’s part in helping SOE deal with the complexities of making an MMORPG. Mr. Blakely put it this way:
We were looking for an AI solution that would be capable of dealing with dynamic large scale worlds in a seamless manner. By using Kynapse we have a powerful technology to manage extremely dynamic environments and very large maps. Our team can concentrate on the creative elements of the game faster in the development process, and thus enhance the game-play experience.
Likewise, Kynogon has expressed excitement over the fact that SOE, “a true leader in online gaming,” has chosen their Kynapse engine for the project. For Kynogon, SOE’s decision is a recognition of the quality that Kynogon put into its technology.