SoKor wants to control virtual currency exchange
Gold farming in MMO games has always been a controversial issue. There are actually two opposing ideas here: First, those who favor it claim that it levels the playing field in favor of those who have less time to play, not to mention that the practice brings jobs and money to those who have none. On the other hand, those who oppose it maintain that it destroys the spirit of the game and causes a rapid price increase of in-game items.
While these haven’t been settled yet, it is always good to argue and discuss the matter. The problem now comes in when outsiders, so to speak, enter and do something they do not quite fully understand. In South Korea, the country’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently proposed a bill to control the exchange of virtual currency. According to them, weirdly enough, the activity falls under hazardous gambling practices.
Just like the issue itself, the said bill also has opposing proponents. Certain companies that run MMO games are supporting the move, reiterating that farming would eventually disrupt balance and competition within the game. Local Korean farmers, on the other hand, pointed out that the government is depriving them of an invaluable growing economy. The virtual item exchange market currently stands at the least US$ 1 billion. Sixty percent of which comes from, where else, gold farming.
As of the moment, as debates rage across the Koren government, the bill has been put on hold. However, we all know that debates can only last for so long. Eventually, one side will give in and one idea will emerge as the victor. After all, that is how everything in this world works.
The question now is, who’s side are you on?
Via ArsTechnica
Gold farming in MMO games has always been a controversial issue. There are actually two opposing ideas here: First, those who favor it claim that it levels the playing field in favor of those who have less time to play, not to mention that the practice brings jobs and money to those who have none. On the other hand, those who oppose it maintain that it destroys the spirit of the game and causes a rapid price increase of in-game items.
While these haven’t been settled yet, it is always good to argue and discuss the matter. The problem now comes in when outsiders, so to speak, enter and do something they do not quite fully understand. In South Korea, the country’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently proposed a bill to control the exchange of virtual currency. According to them, weirdly enough, the activity falls under hazardous gambling practices.
Just like the issue itself, the said bill also has opposing proponents. Certain companies that run MMO games are supporting the move, reiterating that farming would eventually disrupt balance and competition within the game. Local Korean farmers, on the other hand, pointed out that the government is depriving them of an invaluable growing economy. The virtual item exchange market currently stands at the least US$ 1 billion. Sixty percent of which comes from, where else, gold farming.
As of the moment, as debates rage across the Koren government, the bill has been put on hold. However, we all know that debates can only last for so long. Eventually, one side will give in and one idea will emerge as the victor. After all, that is how everything in this world works.
The question now is, who’s side are you on?
Via ArsTechnica