Some Call of Juarez Screens

Call of Juarez

Signs of things to come?

Some could only hope and some may not give a damn. We earlier reported about the PC game, Call of Juarez, crossing over to next-gen consoles in 2007. No specific consoles were mentioned by Ubisoft and Techland during the announcement of their plans.

In case you have no idea what Call of Juarez is about, the game is loosely based on a number of Western movie hits from the seventies and eighties. Players will choose to play as either one of two different characters: Billy, a young fugitive accused of murder, or the merciless vigilante hunting him down, the Reverend Ray, an ex-outlaw who turned to religion, believing that God Himself has chosen Ray to be the instrument of His wrath. For now here are some screenshots. Look at them and decide if Call of Juarez has a spot in next-gen console gaming.

Opinions? Violent Reactions? Share them with us through your comments.

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Call of Juarez - Image 4 Call of Juarez - Image 5

Call of Juarez

Signs of things to come?

Some could only hope and some may not give a damn. We earlier reported about the PC game, Call of Juarez, crossing over to next-gen consoles in 2007. No specific consoles were mentioned by Ubisoft and Techland during the announcement of their plans.

In case you have no idea what Call of Juarez is about, the game is loosely based on a number of Western movie hits from the seventies and eighties. Players will choose to play as either one of two different characters: Billy, a young fugitive accused of murder, or the merciless vigilante hunting him down, the Reverend Ray, an ex-outlaw who turned to religion, believing that God Himself has chosen Ray to be the instrument of His wrath. For now here are some screenshots. Look at them and decide if Call of Juarez has a spot in next-gen console gaming.

Opinions? Violent Reactions? Share them with us through your comments.

Call of Juarez - Image 1 Call of Juarez - Image 2 Call of Juarez - Image 3 

Call of Juarez - Image 4 Call of Juarez - Image 5

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