Sonic and the Secret Rings Speeds Up On Screens Updates

speedy action

It only seemed like yesterday when we last updated you with new screenshots from Sonic and the Secret Rings. Oh, wait. That wasn’t yesterday! That was just several hours earlier! Wow, talk about fast updates!

Anyway, we came across these new screens from our dear hedgehog friend, and as mentioned earlier, it does look to be in pretty good shape. The texture of this game is really rich. If you’d take a look at the past screenshots posted in this site, you’d notice that the color plays really are striking – from those deep blues to lush greens. Yup, it sure can be a sight for sore eyes.

Nonetheless, the important thing is that it has a great gameplay as well. Good visuals can only take a game so far. But if the gameplay is just so-so, it takes a lot out of the game’s appeal. Coming out on Spring 2007, we’ll have to wait until then to fully determine for ourselves what this speed devil truly has to offer.

catch him if you can - Image 1 catch him if you can - Image 2 catch him if you can - Image 3 catch him if you can - Image 4

speedy action

It only seemed like yesterday when we last updated you with new screenshots from Sonic and the Secret Rings. Oh, wait. That wasn’t yesterday! That was just several hours earlier! Wow, talk about fast updates!

Anyway, we came across these new screens from our dear hedgehog friend, and as mentioned earlier, it does look to be in pretty good shape. The texture of this game is really rich. If you’d take a look at the past screenshots posted in this site, you’d notice that the color plays really are striking – from those deep blues to lush greens. Yup, it sure can be a sight for sore eyes.

Nonetheless, the important thing is that it has a great gameplay as well. Good visuals can only take a game so far. But if the gameplay is just so-so, it takes a lot out of the game’s appeal. Coming out on Spring 2007, we’ll have to wait until then to fully determine for ourselves what this speed devil truly has to offer.

catch him if you can - Image 1 catch him if you can - Image 2 catch him if you can - Image 3 catch him if you can - Image 4

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