Sonic Avol 3 Released
Xodiac21 is at again with his latest LUA homebrew game entitled Sonic Avol 3. This new version, dubbed ‘Nowhere Else to Run’, appears to have a bunch of new enemies and an improved interface. The concept of this game is pretty simple; you use the ‘X’ button to shoot at baddies while also pressing the arrows to dodge them and their attacks. This Sonic-themed Avalanche TI-83 clone is loads of fun and contains a bunch of levels, and it’s clear to see that this release has an overall better quality than his previous versions.
Download: [Sonic Avol 3]
Xodiac21 is at again with his latest LUA homebrew game entitled Sonic Avol 3. This new version, dubbed ‘Nowhere Else to Run’, appears to have a bunch of new enemies and an improved interface. The concept of this game is pretty simple; you use the ‘X’ button to shoot at baddies while also pressing the arrows to dodge them and their attacks. This Sonic-themed Avalanche TI-83 clone is loads of fun and contains a bunch of levels, and it’s clear to see that this release has an overall better quality than his previous versions.
Download: [Sonic Avol 3]