Sonic Battle Arena now Online!
TheMarioKarters, Vaza, youresam and Popcorn Devil have released a new version of their amazing homebrew game eagerly anticipated by all – Sonic Battle Arena, updating it to include online play thanks to netlib and youresam! This makes SBA the PSPs first online fighting homebrew title, and boy does it live up to the title. In Sonic Battle Arena, the ultimate Sonic fighting game coded in Lua, you control one of 5 Sonic characters currently available: Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Cream or Amy; fighting to the death as it is against your opponent.
The game itself is pretty simple to pick up and play, using the D-pad for movement, X button to attack and O to jump. You may have been playing against a computer in the last release, but now you get to fully test your skills up against real humans. This is still a beta, so expect some bugs. The only negative I can find from this game is that you don’t know who you are playing against, neither can you talk to them. Surely if your playing against either TheMarioKarters, Vaza, or Popcorn Devil you’re going to lose!
Here’s what TMK said:
What happens is, once you press R at the main menu, you select your character with the D-Pad, then press X. You’ll then connect to Netlib using Connection 1. Be sure your WLAN switch is on! After you select your character, two things can happen. If someone is waiting, you will join them. If no one is waiting to play, you will wait for someone to join. To cancel waiting for someone, press start, dont do anything else.
Don’t run away with the download just yet, because I have some more information for you all. Remember the downside of not being able to see who you’re playing against? In the next version, the SBA team plan to add some kind of chatroom, so you can actually talk to the person you are beating!
Download: [Sonic Battle Arena Online Beta]
View: [Forum release thread]
TheMarioKarters, Vaza, youresam and Popcorn Devil have released a new version of their amazing homebrew game eagerly anticipated by all – Sonic Battle Arena, updating it to include online play thanks to netlib and youresam! This makes SBA the PSPs first online fighting homebrew title, and boy does it live up to the title. In Sonic Battle Arena, the ultimate Sonic fighting game coded in Lua, you control one of 5 Sonic characters currently available: Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Cream or Amy; fighting to the death as it is against your opponent.
The game itself is pretty simple to pick up and play, using the D-pad for movement, X button to attack and O to jump. You may have been playing against a computer in the last release, but now you get to fully test your skills up against real humans. This is still a beta, so expect some bugs. The only negative I can find from this game is that you don’t know who you are playing against, neither can you talk to them. Surely if your playing against either TheMarioKarters, Vaza, or Popcorn Devil you’re going to lose!
Here’s what TMK said:
What happens is, once you press R at the main menu, you select your character with the D-Pad, then press X. You’ll then connect to Netlib using Connection 1. Be sure your WLAN switch is on! After you select your character, two things can happen. If someone is waiting, you will join them. If no one is waiting to play, you will wait for someone to join. To cancel waiting for someone, press start, dont do anything else.
Don’t run away with the download just yet, because I have some more information for you all. Remember the downside of not being able to see who you’re playing against? In the next version, the SBA team plan to add some kind of chatroom, so you can actually talk to the person you are beating!
Download: [Sonic Battle Arena Online Beta]
View: [Forum release thread]