Takashi Yuda, producer of Sonic Riders, currently in development for the Xbox and PS2, has been looking ahead at the future of his upcoming title. In a recent press conference, Takashi Yuda confirmed, not only that there will be a sequel to his not yet released title, but also that the sequel will be released on the Xbox 360! In his words:
“there will be a sequel to Sonic Riders, and it will definitely be on PS3 and Xbox 360”
This obviously leaves no room for doubt that the Sonic Riders sequel will be headed to the Xbox 360, however, we will have to wait, as the first installment has not been released yet on current gen systems.
Another interesting statement made by Yuda-san was that some “Higher Ups” have been discussing bringing Space Channel 5 to next gen systems as well. However nothing has been decided yet for this title, and it is still just being discussed.