Sony’s and Nintendos’ babies sell out at launch, says PJ McNealy

Credits go to the Kaymar Magic Company for this picWell yeah, it doesn’t take a rock scientist to figure that one out, I guess. The PS3 had limited stocks, after all. Despite its hefty price tag, its power is just amazing. You can’t help but shell out a couple of US$ 500 or so, just to have a taste of its capabilities. However, our source pointed out that the Wii sell out is somewhat interesting.

According to PJ McNealy, an analyst from the American Technology Research and Colin Sebastian of Lazard Capital Markets:

While the PS3 sell-outs were expected given the limited quantities, the Wii sell-outs were likely but less certain in our opinion. We believe that the Wii sells itself to consumers, and that more hands-on time in places such as mall kiosks will only help create further buzz and success for the Wii.

He also noted that Resistance: Fall of Man is the most sought after PS3 title as of now, while The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was the Wii’s top selling game so far. A lot of Wii fans also bought extra Wiimotes. Unfortunately, McNealy reports that due to the high PS3 and Wii demand, “it’s possible that many consumers won’t be able to secure one this holiday”. Awww. Hopefully, he’s wrong on that one.

(Credits go to the Kaymar Magic Company for the pic.)

Via GameDaily BIZ

Credits go to the Kaymar Magic Company for this picWell yeah, it doesn’t take a rock scientist to figure that one out, I guess. The PS3 had limited stocks, after all. Despite its hefty price tag, its power is just amazing. You can’t help but shell out a couple of US$ 500 or so, just to have a taste of its capabilities. However, our source pointed out that the Wii sell out is somewhat interesting.

According to PJ McNealy, an analyst from the American Technology Research and Colin Sebastian of Lazard Capital Markets:

While the PS3 sell-outs were expected given the limited quantities, the Wii sell-outs were likely but less certain in our opinion. We believe that the Wii sells itself to consumers, and that more hands-on time in places such as mall kiosks will only help create further buzz and success for the Wii.

He also noted that Resistance: Fall of Man is the most sought after PS3 title as of now, while The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was the Wii’s top selling game so far. A lot of Wii fans also bought extra Wiimotes. Unfortunately, McNealy reports that due to the high PS3 and Wii demand, “it’s possible that many consumers won’t be able to secure one this holiday”. Awww. Hopefully, he’s wrong on that one.

(Credits go to the Kaymar Magic Company for the pic.)

Via GameDaily BIZ

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