Soul Calibur Legends video interview

Tons of info in this video interview with Development Producer Jin Okubo of the highly-anticipated fighter-turned-slasher title, Soul Calibur Legends. We get you the skinny on what’s new with the next-gen iteration of the series that has you fighting one-against-many instead of one-on-one.

In this interview, Jin Okubo basically confirms what we’ve already reported, as well as a few extra-juicy tidbits: namely the fact that the game promises to tie up most of the loose ends and plot holes in the previous games. One main hole it aims to plug in particular is Siegfried’s relationship with Nightmare.

He also revealed the origins of the genre change, and it’s actually the long-time fans of the series that had suggested the change of direction. Have you ever played one of the previous Soul Calibur games and thought to yourself, “This moveset looks awesome, I wish I could have this character in a third-person slash-em-up?” I know I certainly have.

More updates about Soul Calibur Legends as we get them. While we all wait for the game’s winter release, though, enjoy the video!

Tons of info in this video interview with Development Producer Jin Okubo of the highly-anticipated fighter-turned-slasher title, Soul Calibur Legends. We get you the skinny on what’s new with the next-gen iteration of the series that has you fighting one-against-many instead of one-on-one.

In this interview, Jin Okubo basically confirms what we’ve already reported, as well as a few extra-juicy tidbits: namely the fact that the game promises to tie up most of the loose ends and plot holes in the previous games. One main hole it aims to plug in particular is Siegfried’s relationship with Nightmare.

He also revealed the origins of the genre change, and it’s actually the long-time fans of the series that had suggested the change of direction. Have you ever played one of the previous Soul Calibur games and thought to yourself, “This moveset looks awesome, I wish I could have this character in a third-person slash-em-up?” I know I certainly have.

More updates about Soul Calibur Legends as we get them. While we all wait for the game’s winter release, though, enjoy the video!

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