Sound Mod: Pump Up the Volume!

No, Christian Slater has nothing to do with this post… come to think of it, he has nothing to do with much of anything now a days, but I digress. Califrag has posted an interesting little mod for those of you who just can’t get the PSP to jump like you want it to. The process does involve opening up the PSP case, so the warranty will be thrown out the window on this one. For a complete rundown on how to go about setting the PSP’s sound free, check out this thread on our forums.

On a related note, Califrag has also given us some pointers on using “tracking caps” or “mouse caps” for laptops to replace the standard analog nub as an alternative to the large, bluky PSP nubs out on the market. You can check out that thread of our forums [here]. No, Christian Slater has nothing to do with this post… come to think of it, he has nothing to do with much of anything now a days, but I digress. Califrag has posted an interesting little mod for those of you who just can’t get the PSP to jump like you want it to. The process does involve opening up the PSP case, so the warranty will be thrown out the window on this one. For a complete rundown on how to go about setting the PSP’s sound free, check out this thread on our forums.

On a related note, Califrag has also given us some pointers on using “tracking caps” or “mouse caps” for laptops to replace the standard analog nub as an alternative to the large, bluky PSP nubs out on the market. You can check out that thread of our forums [here].

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