Spankin’ New Hellboy Screens From The Crack of Doom


I love me some Mike Mignola, so upon hearing news that Konami was going to be working on a Hellboy videogame I got pretty excited. I must admit I was a little bummed when I discovered they’d eschewed Mignola’s highly stylised and much loved art style in favor of something a little more grounded in reality (as much as you can ground an 800lb 7 foot tall lobster red monster in reality anyway). I’m still not entirely convinced, but our interview with the guys behind the game gave me a little confidence, and even if these new screens aren’t the absolute zenith of graphical wiz-bangery, they’re a marked improvement over what we’ve seen in the past. What say you folks?

Hellboy - Image 1    Hellboy - Image 2    Hellboy - Image 3

Hellboy - Image 4    Hellboy - Image 5

Via Mondoxbox


I love me some Mike Mignola, so upon hearing news that Konami was going to be working on a Hellboy videogame I got pretty excited. I must admit I was a little bummed when I discovered they’d eschewed Mignola’s highly stylised and much loved art style in favor of something a little more grounded in reality (as much as you can ground an 800lb 7 foot tall lobster red monster in reality anyway). I’m still not entirely convinced, but our interview with the guys behind the game gave me a little confidence, and even if these new screens aren’t the absolute zenith of graphical wiz-bangery, they’re a marked improvement over what we’ve seen in the past. What say you folks?

Hellboy - Image 1    Hellboy - Image 2    Hellboy - Image 3

Hellboy - Image 4    Hellboy - Image 5

Via Mondoxbox

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