Spore pre-orders in UK packaged with sweet bonus
It was just revealed that gamers in UK who pre-ordered Electronic Arts‘ Spore (PC, Nintendo Wii, DS, Mac, and Mobile) from either GAME of Zawi will be getting a sweet bonus to help tide them over before the game is released. To find out more head on over to full article for more information.
It was just revealed that gamers in UK who pre-ordered Electronic Arts‘ Spore (PC, Nintendo Wii, DS, Mac, and Mobile) from either GAME of Zawi will be getting a disc which contains the full creature creator. This means that gamers who do decide to pre-order the game will be able to start designing their creatures early.
Now, those in the know are probably wondering why would they do this since Electronic Arts will be releasing a downloadable version of the creature creator by next week. Well, the downloadable version will only allow users access to 25% of the items in the creature creator. This means that you won’t be getting the full experience.
So if you plan on picking up the game when it comes out anyway, why not spring for the deposit fee and pre-order Spore? That way, you’ll be getting the creature creator to play around with while waiting for the game to come out.
Via Ripten