Square Enix releases DLC for FFCC: My Life as a King (For Japan)

Square Enix releases DLC for FFCC: My Life as a King (For Japan) - Image 1Square Enix is now making available their initial stock of downloadable content for Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King. Those who happen to own the Japan release of this WiiWare title may want to view their pricing details over in the full article.

Square Enix releases DLC for FFCC: My Life as a King - Image 1 

We’ve got news coming in for the guys who own a Japan copy of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King. Square Enix has now made the additional content for this WiiWare title available for download, along with their accompanying prices (in Wii Points).

Based on the info we’re reading via IGN, the first download being made available are three new character races: Lilties, Yuke, and Selkie. Each will cost 300 points to purchase, although buying them all as a bundle will cost you only 800 points. Also being made available two new buildings: The Seinaru Hokora building, and the Mansion. Each building will first appear are dungeons you’ll need to clear out. Each will cost 200 Wii Points.

The last set of DLC (at least for now) are new clothes for your king, and Chime, your supporting character. These new thread will cost 100 Wii Points each, and can be accessed upon purchase by using your closet at the castle. That said, we advise the readers to keep an eye out in case Square Enix announces any more extra content in the coming days. Drop by again when that happens.

Via Square Enix

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