Square Enix teases fans with Star Ocean 4 trailer video
While the recently concluded Square Enix Party 2007 didn’t reveal much about Star Ocean 4, the legendary developer is now trying to make amends by sharing a trailer video for the game.
Aside from the PlayStation Portable WIP titles, Star Ocean is being planned for the PlayStation 3, with Tri-Ace helping out in the development duties. See how much they’ve progressed by watching the clip after the jump!
Square Enix promised before that it will be reviving the Star Ocean franchise for today’s gamers. The first games that materialized from that promise are the PlayStation Portable exclusives Star Ocean: First Departure and Star Ocean: Second Evolution.
Then there’s Star Ocean 4, which has been confirmed for the Sony PlayStation 3. Square Enix has been spending a lot of its sources developing and marketing the game, making sure that it is befitting of a true Star Ocean next-gen debut.
Today, we get treated to one of the first few trailer videos for Star Ocean 4. While the video doesn’t reveal much, we are pretty sure that you wouldn’t fail to notice the graphical upgrades done to it.
While waiting for more details, just enjoy the video below and keep checking back here at QJ.NET for the latest on this game.