Star Trek: Online Open Beta dated for January 2010
The date for Star Trek: Online‘s open beta has now been announced and confirmed by Cryptic Studios to be happening early next year. So if you missed your chance in the closed beta, there shouldn’t be any reason for you to miss out on this opportunity now.
The date for Star Trek: Online‘s open beta has now been announced and confirmed by Cryptic Studios to be happening early next year. So if you missed your chance in the closed beta, there shouldn’t be any reason for you to miss out on this opportunity now.
January 12th to the 26th are the set dates for the open beta, which means you have about a couple more months to gear up our PCs. Game officially launches in February 2nd in North America, and Europe will get it three days later on February 5th, 2010.
Related Articles:
- Star Trek: Online has two different gameplays for ground and space sections
- Star Trek: Online system specs unveiled
Via Cinema Blend