Star Trek Online – Under Construction and Taking a Test Flight

It's... full... of... stars!

Because September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, we bring you this Star Trek Online article (hey, there are ships there, too). The game’s Lead Designer Glen Dahlgren, Executive Producer Daron Stinnet, and Lead Systems Designer John Yoo shared some news.

  • The team is now up to 35 full-time developers. That’s a big crowd for a game in its early stages.
  • There is an already-somewhat-playable version of the game. They can play it, add features, and test it.
  • The team is now fleshing out combat. That’s both avatar and space. They started with an auto-attack that fires phasers and torpedoes, and then they’ll go from there.

The next big step is creating the first space zone. What is Star Trek without space, the final frontier?
And through it all is the challenge of finding a balance between avatar and space actions: “The first is the interaction between characters and ships. How do you go from one to the other? How do you combine them in missions? How does this affect exploration and discovery?” It’s great that Perpetual Entertainment is really trying to get the feel of Star Trek while trying to make a good game with engaging game play.

As for the screenshots that you see, the Star Trek Online team says those are from a real client based on a live demo showed at an IGDA conference! majQa’!

Star Trek Online - Image 1 Star Trek Online - Image 2 Star Trek Online - Image 3

It's... full... of... stars!

Because September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, we bring you this Star Trek Online article (hey, there are ships there, too). The game’s Lead Designer Glen Dahlgren, Executive Producer Daron Stinnet, and Lead Systems Designer John Yoo shared some news.

  • The team is now up to 35 full-time developers. That’s a big crowd for a game in its early stages.
  • There is an already-somewhat-playable version of the game. They can play it, add features, and test it.
  • The team is now fleshing out combat. That’s both avatar and space. They started with an auto-attack that fires phasers and torpedoes, and then they’ll go from there.

The next big step is creating the first space zone. What is Star Trek without space, the final frontier?
And through it all is the challenge of finding a balance between avatar and space actions: “The first is the interaction between characters and ships. How do you go from one to the other? How do you combine them in missions? How does this affect exploration and discovery?” It’s great that Perpetual Entertainment is really trying to get the feel of Star Trek while trying to make a good game with engaging game play.

As for the screenshots that you see, the Star Trek Online team says those are from a real client based on a live demo showed at an IGDA conference! majQa’!

Star Trek Online - Image 1 Star Trek Online - Image 2 Star Trek Online - Image 3

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