StarCraft II update: Jim Raynor’s profile
Curious to find out just what’s up with the world-weary Jim Raynor in StarCraft 2? Then head on over to the full article as we give you a report on what’s happened with ol’ Jim so far, and what war he’s fighting in (as well as who he’s fighting with). From uneasy alliances with the Zerg to fighting a war with a media manipulator, Jim certainly has a story to tell.
For those of us adept in the ways of Blizzard‘s world-renowned RTS, Starcraft, we all know that the denouement of both the original game and the expansion (that is, Brood War) left a lot of questions unanswered. And that’s in terms of plot holes in the storyline, as far as Jim Raynor’s fate is involved.
Fortunately, we get a sneak peek at what’s happened to ol’ Jim since the events of the first game and what awaits him in the sequel. This is through a very lengthy profile update on the official StarCraft 2 website.
So what really happened to Jim? After being disillusioned by the treacherous Arcturus Mengsk and the Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, Raynor returned to Terran space to lead his own rebellion against Mengsk’s Terran Dominion. Even with his expertise in strategy and combat, the fight isn’t looking too good – with Raynor’s opponent manipulating the media with orations and propaganda to turn his efforts against him.
It’s due to this that Raynor’s Raiders – the name of the ragtag rebellion he’s formed – remains in the eyes of many as Public Enemy Number One. Being the smart politician, Mengsk has yet to take aggressive action against Raynor and his crew.
He knows that having Raynor assassinated would just make him out to be a martyr. Thus, he keeps the Terran Dominion on a short leash, only using enough force to keep Raynor and his raiders harassed and hunted, making sure that they are kept out of the picture.
Constantly hunted down to the far corners of the universe, what was once a formidable outfit has now been reduced to a shadow of its former self. The occasional bounty and mercenary work keeps what is left of Raynor’s Raiders afloat, but morale in the crew is low – so low that Raynor himself has taken to knocking back a few bottles of liquor every now and then, blaming himself for Kerrigan’s fate.
There is still hope, however – some of the crew, namely the first officer, Matt Horner, still believes that Raynor and his innate heroism will lead the Raiders into victory. After all, the fate of the universe will soon rest on his shoulders.
While Jim Raynor may have seen better days, he’s still the same Jim underneath the war-weathered, liquor-soaked exterior. His new look is a stark contrast to the sharp, eagle-eyed maverick who helped us lead in the first game.
And he’ll have his own day when StarCraft 2 rolls out. That’s it for this update, and you can check out the full profile by clicking on the via link below.