Steam having Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare play issues

Call of Duty 4 on Steam not going so well - Image 1Through Blue’s News, we’ve just learned that the Steam version of Activision‘s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC, Xbox 360, PS3, DS) isn’t exactly going well. It seems there are reports of the game not running for different users. To make matters worse, there doesn’t seem to be a single solution behind the problem, so the forums have been flooded with users trying to find out what’s going on.

More on the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare problem after the jump!

Call of Duty 4 on Steam not going so well - Image 1Through Blue’s News, we’ve just learned that the Steam version of Activision‘s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC, Xbox 360, PS3, DS) isn’t exactly going well. It seems there are reports of the game not running for different users. To make matters worse, there doesn’t seem to be a single solution behind the problem, so the forums have been flooded with users trying to find out what’s going on.

The solutions range from changing the language settings of the game temporarily to force Steam to fix itself, all the way to backing up your files and forcing the game to reinstall itself. The volunteer moderators have been working hard trying to help people out with some troubleshooting tips and techniques, but the folks at Valve have yet to address the issues being raised.

In any event, if you’ve purchased the game through Steam and are having problems, you’re not alone. We suggest you visit the forums linked below if you want more information on how to fix the problem. Hopefully, the people at Valve will have an answer for Steam users soon.

Buy: [ Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3) ]
Buy: [ Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC) ]
Buy: [ Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) ]

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