Steely, flashy Red Steel
Everyone’s going agog over the forthcoming release of Nintendo’s Wii. But other than the console, the launch titles are generating just as much buzz. And why not? With titles like Red Steel on the list, it certainly is no wonder why people can’t get to have their hands on the console.
Just check out these dozen shiny new screenshots from Red Steel. Without an ounce of bias or whatnot, we can definitely say this game’s been elegantly crafted, at least visually. Admit it. These pictures do transport you to some other world, where there is danger, gunfire, prestige, and yeah, everything that may be deemed as the epitome of coolness.
So, cling on tight ’cause there’s definitely no stopping this game from invading the Wii.
More screens after the jump!
Buy: [Red Steel]
Everyone’s going agog over the forthcoming release of Nintendo’s Wii. But other than the console, the launch titles are generating just as much buzz. And why not? With titles like Red Steel on the list, it certainly is no wonder why people can’t get to have their hands on the console.
Just check out these dozen shiny new screenshots from Red Steel. Without an ounce of bias or whatnot, we can definitely say this game’s been elegantly crafted, at least visually. Admit it. These pictures do transport you to some other world, where there is danger, gunfire, prestige, and yeah, everything that may be deemed as the epitome of coolness.
So, cling on tight ’cause there’s definitely no stopping this game from invading the Wii.
Buy: [Red Steel]