Step into LOTRO’s Fields of Fornost

The Fields of Fornor in LOTRO - Image 1 The Fields of Fornor in LOTRO - Image 2

Fornost? Where in the (Middle-)earth is that? Well, even the most avid fans of J.R.R. Tolkien‘s work might not know about it – it’s that kind of place which is widely forgotten about and given wide berth, at that. They might be ruins now, but many ages ago, the Fields of Fornost were home to the once-prosperous North Downs region. It was the principal city of the Arnor kingdom among men up north.

The cause for its downfall was none other that the Witch-king of Angmar. When he was driven out of these lands, a massive battle took place. All that destruction you can see now in LOTRO.

As no one bothered to rebuild the sprawling city, it’s now known to be the dwelling of many a wild creature and evil entity. Bands of orcs have even said to be lurking around to maraud unsuspecting victims.

Now take a step out of your familiar Shire and Bree lands and venture up north for a bit of a challenge. You never know what might be waiting for you underneath all those misty ruins.

The Fields of Fornor in LOTRO - Image 1 The Fields of Fornor in LOTRO - Image 2

Fornost? Where in the (Middle-)earth is that? Well, even the most avid fans of J.R.R. Tolkien‘s work might not know about it – it’s that kind of place which is widely forgotten about and given wide berth, at that. They might be ruins now, but many ages ago, the Fields of Fornost were home to the once-prosperous North Downs region. It was the principal city of the Arnor kingdom among men up north.

The cause for its downfall was none other that the Witch-king of Angmar. When he was driven out of these lands, a massive battle took place. All that destruction you can see now in LOTRO.

As no one bothered to rebuild the sprawling city, it’s now known to be the dwelling of many a wild creature and evil entity. Bands of orcs have even said to be lurking around to maraud unsuspecting victims.

Now take a step out of your familiar Shire and Bree lands and venture up north for a bit of a challenge. You never know what might be waiting for you underneath all those misty ruins.

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