StrmnNrmn on “unofficial” Daedalus R9 with frameskip option (+ R10 update) *UPDATE*

Daedalus R10 update - Image 1

Apparently, there’s been an “unofficial” Daedalus R9 emulator going around (which we still haven’t located yet) for some time now. StrmnNrmn says that even he himself can’t find the source. In good humor, his blog reads: “…I can’t verify where it came from. That said, I’ve not checked my email for a week so maybe the author has emailed me about it :)”

Anyways, in this “unofficial” version that’s been floating around elusively, it’s said that a frameskip option is included. A couple of people have commented about it on StrmnNrmn’s blog and suggested how he could/should incorporate this on his his next Daedalus update, R10.

The fact of the matter is… he’s already put a frameskip option into R10:

I had been planning to add this to R9, but I forgot 🙂 It’s no big deal – it’s about 20 lines of code. It does give a slight speedup, but not always as much as you’d expect. For instance, skipping every other frame won’t double the framerate, as not all the time is spent rendering. Paradoxically, it tends to have more of an effect on ROMs that are already running fairly fast. Hopefully for some roms it will make the different between them being barely playable and playable though.

Aside from this, he’s also to include in R10 the following which a lot of people have been asking for:

  • A configurable deadzone for the stick
  • A configurable framerate limiter

We’re still clinging on to StrmnNrmn’s promise of R10 being released before the end of March. With all the updates he’s giving us, it seems that development on his homebrew emulator is going smoothly. We’re down the last stretch of March now. It’ll only a matter of time before we get our grubby hands on R10. Keep watch!

UPDATE: Thanks to your comments, we were able to find the unofficial Daedalus R9 emulator, although like StrmnNrmn, we still do not know who actually made it. Anyhow, we’re still hosting the unofficial Daedalus R9 mod with frameskip option. Keep checking us up for updates!

Download: Unofficial Daedalus R9 emulator with frameskip option

Daedalus R10 update - Image 1

Apparently, there’s been an “unofficial” Daedalus R9 emulator going around (which we still haven’t located yet) for some time now. StrmnNrmn says that even he himself can’t find the source. In good humor, his blog reads: “…I can’t verify where it came from. That said, I’ve not checked my email for a week so maybe the author has emailed me about it :)”

Anyways, in this “unofficial” version that’s been floating around elusively, it’s said that a frameskip option is included. A couple of people have commented about it on StrmnNrmn’s blog and suggested how he could/should incorporate this on his his next Daedalus update, R10.

The fact of the matter is… he’s already put a frameskip option into R10:

I had been planning to add this to R9, but I forgot 🙂 It’s no big deal – it’s about 20 lines of code. It does give a slight speedup, but not always as much as you’d expect. For instance, skipping every other frame won’t double the framerate, as not all the time is spent rendering. Paradoxically, it tends to have more of an effect on ROMs that are already running fairly fast. Hopefully for some roms it will make the different between them being barely playable and playable though.

Aside from this, he’s also to include in R10 the following which a lot of people have been asking for:

  • A configurable deadzone for the stick
  • A configurable framerate limiter

We’re still clinging on to StrmnNrmn’s promise of R10 being released before the end of March. With all the updates he’s giving us, it seems that development on his homebrew emulator is going smoothly. We’re down the last stretch of March now. It’ll only a matter of time before we get our grubby hands on R10. Keep watch!

UPDATE: Thanks to your comments, we were able to find the unofficial Daedalus R9 emulator, although like StrmnNrmn, we still do not know who actually made it. Anyhow, we’re still hosting the unofficial Daedalus R9 mod with frameskip option. Keep checking us up for updates!

Download: Unofficial Daedalus R9 emulator with frameskip option

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