Stuff Magazine’s Sony Ericsson PSP Phone was only a ‘mockup’
We somehow knew that it was too good to be true: remember the Sony Ericsson PSP Phone featured on Stuff magazine? It may be all sleek and shiny like reality itself, but there’s some disappointing news…it’s just a well-made mock-up. Read more about it in the full article.
Remember the Sony Ericsson PSP Phone reported by Stuff magazine last year? It certainly took a long while to confirm the rumor of a Sony PSP phone, but it’s finally debunked. As it turns out, the sleek and heavenly-looking PSP Phone shown in the magazine was nothing more than a mock-up. Ah, that certainly smashed our hopes to pieces.
Kudos goes to Stuff magazine, of course. What they had was a very well-made mock-up, with a crisp 480 x 272 screen, and an analog stick not unlike those found in existing Sony PlayStation Portables. It being UMD-less and utilizing the M2 slot instead for games are a nice touch as well.
It’s a pretty nice package, but it’s a pity that it isn’t real. Well, we can always hope for the real thing, can’t we?