Summer Coding Competition: GameAndWatchAttack v1

GameandWatchattack v1 - Image 2  GameandWatchattack v1 - Image 1

GameAndWatchAttack v1 is pspsalv2‘s Lua-coded entry to the and Lik-Sang Summer Coding Competition. The game has  an unusual title but has quite an orthodox gameplay. You are the green frog-like character and you have to dodge the bullets of your evil twin (the red character) and fire back using the right shoulder button in order to kill your opponent and win the game.

The hard part of this game is that your evil twin fires yellow bullet-style things at you which in turn whittle away your health and in order for you to defeat him you have to use your clenched fist. To do this you have to jump to get close enough and then melee attack him to kill him. Of course, you should do all that before your health reaches zero. This game looks a lot easier than it is – give it a go! This game requires Lua Player to run.

We will release details of how the Summer Coding competition will progress once all of the entries have been released.

Download: [GameAndWatchAttack v1]

GameandWatchattack v1 - Image 2  GameandWatchattack v1 - Image 1

GameAndWatchAttack v1 is pspsalv2‘s Lua-coded entry to the and Lik-Sang Summer Coding Competition. The game has  an unusual title but has quite an orthodox gameplay. You are the green frog-like character and you have to dodge the bullets of your evil twin (the red character) and fire back using the right shoulder button in order to kill your opponent and win the game.

The hard part of this game is that your evil twin fires yellow bullet-style things at you which in turn whittle away your health and in order for you to defeat him you have to use your clenched fist. To do this you have to jump to get close enough and then melee attack him to kill him. Of course, you should do all that before your health reaches zero. This game looks a lot easier than it is – give it a go! This game requires Lua Player to run.

We will release details of how the Summer Coding competition will progress once all of the entries have been released.

Download: [GameAndWatchAttack v1]

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