Super Smash Bros. Brawl update: Andross and how to perform special moves

Welcome to yet another exciting Super Smash Bros. Brawl update from Nintendo (because we just can’t get enough of Smash Bros.)! In this update, we are introduced to another strange Assist Trophy in the form of Star Fox’s big baddie, Andross. And as a bonus, we’ll learn how to execute special moves.

Check out Andross in all of his polygonal goodness (or badness). This old Star Fox main antagonist joins the quirky fray as an Assist Trophy, and he does his job with much gusto: look at all the polygonal panels he spits out to the Brawler’s faces. We ourselves don’t know how to react once we see a huge polygonal face huffing and puffing like it’s going to blow someone’s house down, but we do know that when Andross pops up, its time to take cover.

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Moving on to the execution of each character’s special moves, it’s good to find out that performing specials in Super Smash Bros. Brawl is easy as pie: it only involves a press of a button coupled with different directional tilts of the Control Stick.

Pressing the action button without tilting the Control Stick will make your Brawler do his/her standard special move. Tilting the Control Stick upwards as you press the action button will make your Brawler perform the Up special move – a very useful attack that launches your character into the air and helps in avoiding getting tossed out of the ring.

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The Side special move (yes, done by tilting the Control Stick to either side while pressing the action button) is a very useful offensive attack that will launch in the direction you tilt the analog stick. And last but not the least, the Down special move utilizes each Brawler’s unique abilities, like reflect enemy attacks, for instance. Now we know, and knowing is half the battle!

Even more exciting updates as they come!

Via Super Smash Bros. Dojo

Welcome to yet another exciting Super Smash Bros. Brawl update from Nintendo (because we just can’t get enough of Smash Bros.)! In this update, we are introduced to another strange Assist Trophy in the form of Star Fox’s big baddie, Andross. And as a bonus, we’ll learn how to execute special moves.

Check out Andross in all of his polygonal goodness (or badness). This old Star Fox main antagonist joins the quirky fray as an Assist Trophy, and he does his job with much gusto: look at all the polygonal panels he spits out to the Brawler’s faces. We ourselves don’t know how to react once we see a huge polygonal face huffing and puffing like it’s going to blow someone’s house down, but we do know that when Andross pops up, its time to take cover.

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Moving on to the execution of each character’s special moves, it’s good to find out that performing specials in Super Smash Bros. Brawl is easy as pie: it only involves a press of a button coupled with different directional tilts of the Control Stick.

Pressing the action button without tilting the Control Stick will make your Brawler do his/her standard special move. Tilting the Control Stick upwards as you press the action button will make your Brawler perform the Up special move – a very useful attack that launches your character into the air and helps in avoiding getting tossed out of the ring.

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The Side special move (yes, done by tilting the Control Stick to either side while pressing the action button) is a very useful offensive attack that will launch in the direction you tilt the analog stick. And last but not the least, the Down special move utilizes each Brawler’s unique abilities, like reflect enemy attacks, for instance. Now we know, and knowing is half the battle!

Even more exciting updates as they come!

Via Super Smash Bros. Dojo

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